First of all, better nutrition is directly related to human life period. Since people need some proteins and vitamins to continue their life in a healthy condition. That’s why it is very important find food healthy and easy. Nowadays, people who work in an agricultural area can produce food with using new technique. These techniques cause two advantages. First one is producing many different kinds of food in a short time and second one is low price. Therefore, everyone find food very easy if they just try to go shopping center and, they can but it cheap price. However, in the past people did not know how to produce food easily and how to supply food from another place.
Second reason and the most important one is new medical technologies. In the past, some unknown virus caused disease and a lot of people died for this reason. Nowadays, people who got educated about medicine can make research and find the reason of these viruses. Medicine companies have laboratories and too many scientists work on new medical treatment and they produce different kind of medicine against to different kind of diseases. For example, if you have influenza, you can just go and buy some drug about flu. This was the basic example for treatment of sickness. Furthermore, even if you are cancer, you can go to hospital and you can get operation about your cancer type. Nowadays, medicine can find any type of illness that’s why it helps the increasing life period. On the other hand, one or two hundred years ago, scientist could not find the treatment way of fatal illness. Therefore, if some contagious fatal illness occurred, they could not prevent these diseases and so many people died because of this reason. For instance, in 14th century thousands of people died because of plaque epidemic and they did not know the treatment of these contagious sickness.
The last one is using improve protection ways from wild life. Nowadays, people can use every natural resource for supply benefit to their life. For example, we use oil, gas and coal for heating and protecting from cold. Furthermore, we produce cold proof clothes to be warm. A lot of clothes companies work for us and we just go and buy some new clothes. It is really easy for us these days. Also, not only we can protect our body against from cold or hot but also we can protect to other natural disasters such as earthquake, storm, flood, or tornado. Since we can build durable home and we can supply everything inside to it. However, in the past our ancestor did not find these possibilities easy and they could not fight nature effectively.
In conclusion, according to these reasons, human life period is getting longer. Maybe in the future scientist will be find the secret of deathless because nowadays human can achieve to use nature for their nutrition and they can protect themselves from the natural effect of the Earth.