Monday, November 12, 2007

Journal Entry #31

Speacial Conditions for Lies

People sometimes meet very diffucult sitiuations. If they try to explain or try to make someting for fixing up this situation, maybe it will get worse than before. At this point, they feel the speacial weapon in their mind. This weapon is lie and sometimes it can solve problems that looked very hard before. Lies look worked in a short period but after that it usually causes more problems than before. Thats why, if you are not in really emergency situation, you should not use this weapon. These circumstances are helping other people, solving basic problems, making suprise for your friends. Firstly, you can tell lie if you want to help your friends or close circumfrences. For example, your close friend and his girl friend are in argument and you want to finish this arguement. You can find a white lie in this point and you can provide them to meet again. This lie does not effect the other people except from your friends, so it will be fair. Secondly, you can tell lie if you want to solve some basic problem or basic situation that you do not really want to do. For instance, it is very common problem among teenages, one girl or boy want to meet with you but you do not want to do this but also, you do not break his or her hearth. In this point, you can say I have a girl friend, or I like another person. This will be again white lie because it will not effect other people except from these. Thirdly, you can easily tell this type of lie because you want to prepare a suprise to someone or you want to say something important but you want to say later. For example, you want to make a suprise party for your girl friend and she always ask something about this ofcourse you shoul find a lie because party must be suprise. In conclusion, telling lie is very bad habit but If you use this for helping people, solving basic problem abd some special activities which has no bad effect on people, it will give good result.

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